The power rake is a versatile attachment for soil grading, leveling, raking, and removing debris. It can be used, for instance, for preparing seedbeds, cutting grades, grading dirt and gravel roads, and cleaning up and grading different types of sites.
Power rake mills the soil to max. 2.6 in depth. The shaft is equipped with steel teeth. Driving direction is forwards and the shaft rotates against the driving direction. The removable side plates make soil moving and directing it even more efficient. The rake is equipped with two adjustable support wheels and it can be turned to max. +/- 30 degrees angle.
Two models available: with manual or hydraulic turning.
-Versatile attachment for preparing seedbeds, grading dirt and gravel roads, cleaning up building lots and sites, etc.
-Easy removal and piling up of rocks and other debris by driving forward
-Available with manual or hydraulic turning, +/- 30 degrees