After 25 years in the market, what counts are the results, and AZUD DRIP’s results have been excellent throughout its history. As a result, it is currently one of the world’s best-selling turbulent regime emitter pipes, a leader in more than 20 countries.
The key features are high resistance to clogging, long life and high watering uniformity.
DS Technology.
Maximum protection against clogging.
Greater uniformity.
Durability and easy use.
Large surface area inlet filter.
Prevents particle intrusion into the dripper.
Technical specifications
Thicknesses: 0.9 mm – 1.0 mm
Technical characteristics
.Self-compensating emitter: No PC
.Topography: Flat surface ( 10 years
.Emitter Integrated
.Pipe thickness: High
.Suitable for cultivation: Woody and Horticultural crops and extensive crops
.Type of installation: Aerial