Economic utilisation: the disc harrow EPX/ has low purchasing and utilization costs, both for its wide working width, and for its high speed (from 7 to 15 km/hour).
Easy maintenance: EPX/, of simple and solid manufacture, needs only easy and scheduled maintenance, such as the greasing of the bearings in the supports and of the articulated parts, the regulation of scrapers and the control of the tightening of the connection bolts.
Technical features: the frame is manufactured in steel of great thickness. The hitch is provided with slots which let the disc harrow oscillate to pass the roughness of the ploughed soil. The third point keeps the machine always close to the soil. The disc group is composed by four independent sections and their working inclination can be controlled from the driver's seat by an hydraulic device. The bearings of the sections are mounted in strong steel supports provided with double dust cover and four grommets. A lubricator enables the periodical reloading of grease. The discs, of new conception, are manufactured in steel to resist to wear and tear and collisions. The spacers are composed by shock resistant flanges in stamped steel. The scrapers can be regulated singularly to recuperate the space caused by wear and tear.