With a recent reaction against traditional plastic bags, new materials used by traders and buyers: woven polypropylene. This specialized material is becoming a popular choice for creating a sack for all purposes, but has long been used as an effective material for long-term storage of large quantities of items. Polypropylene fabrics (PP) are thermoplastic material obtained by polymerization of propylene. Woven polypropylene is formed when the straps or threads of the PP are welded together in two directions (bases and rocks). The result is a light, but firm and durable material suitable for holding and storing large quantities of products over a long period of time. Woven polypropylene bags are non-toxic and non-stain, and are airy and still have the ability to protect products against damage from water or steam.
Polypropylene bags are naturally curable, straining and tearing due to their strong woven structure, and will not degrade when they come into contact with moisture. These bags can be manufactured with opaque or transparent layers and adapted to print unique logos, labels, graphics and brand design.
Products packed in PP bags are:
Animal feed / pet food
Chemicals / powders
Very large, lightweight objects (eg Plastic profiles, hangers, etc.) Polypropylene bags today are one of the most sustainable packaging on the market. Materials can be melted, recycled and used for the production of other products, and the bags are unique for reusable use – they can withstand continuous discharge and refilling, allowing them to last between four and five years.