Rhizomatous Tall Fescue
Self repairing tall fescue turf
Patented, US 6677507 B2
Ideal for residential and commercial lawns
An excellent turf for recreation and play including low-impact sports
Once established, forms an extensive, deep root system
Saves 30% water over comparable cool season turf grasses
Great for sun and moderately shaded areas / Up to a half-day's shade
Excellent disease and insect resistance
Produces a dense, uniform, durable lawn
Available as sod ( RTF Grower's Assoc. ) or seed
Turf Saver® RTF® is the most advanced tall fescue blend on the market, featuring a unique combination of high quality turf-type tall fescues and RTF, Rhizomatous Tall Fescue. RTF provides Turf Saver the added benefit of repairing damaged or worn turf with the added value of improved uniformity and density.
RTF, it's a distinctly unique tall fescue; often mimicked, but never matched.