Inter-seeding brassica for multiple grazing
Fast growing
Improve the quality of existing grass pastures
Frost tolerant brassica
Basica forage rape is a tall variety, with high yields and resistance to lodging. It is suitable for either grazing by livestock or cutting and feeding. It has good palatability and digestibility, producing forage that is high in energy and digestible crude protein (up to 30% in leaves). Barsica is resistant to powdery mildew, which can reduce the palatability of other varieties. Barsica has good night frost tolerance and rapid initial growth. Barsica is ready for harvest 80-90 days from seeding (3.5 to 4.0 lb/acre). Forage yields of spring rape increase until plants become physiologically mature. Barsica is well-suited for multiple grazing. Spring-planted (April through June) Barsica can supplement perennial cool season pastures in August and September. Alternatively, Barsica can be interseeded with warm season grasses to improve their feed quality.