Bull Tall Fescue is an endophyte free, early maturing, high-quality, high-yielding variety with a wide adaptation of use. Bull is highly palatable and can be harvested as hay or silage for both beef and dairy cattle.
Tall fescue is a relatively deep-rooted bunch grass found throughout much of the U.S. It can tolerate a wide range of soils and fertility. It matches well with forage legumes, especially red and ladino clover. KY-31 tall fescue makes up 75% of all tall fescue grown. Under proper management, it can be a productive and profitable grass. However, with new low endophyte varieties, other tall fescues should be considered. The endophyte found in KY-31 is a fungus that grows between the plant cells and makes it tough, but it also reduces animal performance and causes animal health problems in extreme cases. KY-31 is not recommended for horses. All other low-endophyte or friendly-endophyte tall fescues are safe for horses or livestock.
Planting Date March - May, Aug. - Sept.
Planting Depth 1/8 in. - 1/4 in.
Approximate Seeds/lb. 227,000
Seeding Rate 10 - 30 lb./A., 10 - 15 lb./A. Mix
Days to Germination 10-12
Length of Stand 10+ Years
Management Pasture, Hay, Stockpiling Endophyte Fungus