BECK 0779XF is a western phenotype that brings yield to stressful conditions and has had excellent performance stability when tested in the west. This variety is a must-plant option that provides a very good agronomic package.
Management Tips
‣ Strong IDC tolerance
‣ Fantastic Sudden Death tolerance
‣ Very good Phytophthora field tolerance
General Characteristics
Exp # 7281
Year Released 2023
Relative Maturity 0.7
Summer Canopy Medium
Recommended Row Widths All
No-Till Adapted 8
Shatter Score 9
Eye Appeal (Harvest)
+MP = Med. Productivity, LP = Low Productivity, I = Irrigate
Plant Traits
Plant Height Med. Tall
Flower Color Purple
Pubescence Lt. Tawny
Pod Color Tan
Seeds/Pound 2800
Hilum Yellow
Seedling Emergence 8
Standability 7
Root Knot NR