BECO's automation is known worldwide by its rugged reliability and simplistic design. BECO has an automatic detacher that will fit any dairy's needs—whether simple and economical or full meter automation.
The automation is simple in design, but brings huge value with its easy to use dashboards, watchdog system, and industry leading 5 year warranty.
All BECO detachers come standard with our restriction eliminating 7/8" design. BECO detachers have been the choice of many dairies for 60 years. See how BECO will fit the needs of your dairy.
Pulsation Monitoring 24/7
-Alarm diagnostic, not just a red light
-Easily adapts to all systems
-Ability to control the pulsator
-Monitors parlor performance
-Sends alerts to dairyman automatically
-Helps manage employees
PulsNexus Monitors
-Hoses that fall off
-Holes in air tubes
-Cracked or split liners
-Plugged hoses
-Dirty filter in fresh air system
-Malfunctioning vacuum regulator
-Dirty or faulty pulsator
24/7 pulsaon graphing
-No need for a monthly bill, pulsators are graphed connuously
Monitors pulsaon performance 24/7
-Dairy knows right away if there is a problem with the watchdog program
Dashboard and daily reports
-Customizable dashboards and reports to help manage your parlor’s performance
Alarms with diagnoscs, not just a red light
-If there is an issue, the PulsNexus will tell exactly what is wrong with the system
Easily adapts to all systems
-The PulsNexus will work with any manufacturer’s pulsator or detacher