Improvement of a Bestseller: The next generation system for maximum profitabiliy
With the EV 2240-EU, Big Dutchman offers you a new system for efficient, animal friendly and safe egg production. Its main advantages are the high functionality and profitability, excellent hygienic conditions and comfort of use. The system depth of 2.24 m in the animal area including centre partition allows for a group size of 54 hens.
The concise structural system layout (nest, litter area, perches, feed and water supply) provides ample freedom of movement and thus permits the hens to act out their natural behaviour.
Main advantages
-Egg belt width of 150 mm and EggSaver for optimum egg quality
-Flexible nest curtain for undisturbed egg laying
-Reliable feed supply by means of the CHAMPION feed chain → trough is used from both sides
-No additional technological require-ments for litter supply → delivery by means of the feed chain
-Litter mat Wellix with integrated claw shortener, long service life
-Comfortable folding grilles for easy access to the installation → one-hand operation
-LED tube lamps inside the installation ensure an optimal illumination of the activity area
-Rugged design
-Trouble-free erection of 3 to 9 tiers with intermediate ceilings
-Zinc-aluminium coated grilles for very good corrosion-protection