F.A.C. supplies fresh air from the roof with a high air rate. The fresh air distributor at the lower end of the chimney ensures that the incoming air is distributed evenly inside the barn. This creates a stable air flow even with minimum ventilation.
Optionally, F.A.C. can also be equipped with a fan. This fan pushes the fresh air drawn in by the chimney through the fresh air distributor and into the barn to create a balanced pressure system. Such a system is especially recommended where no negative pressure can be created due to constantly open pop holes. F.A.C. is available in four different diameters of 650, 730, 820 and 920 mm.
Main advantages
-supply of fresh air from the roof into the centre of the barn for an ideal mixing with the warm air in the barn;
-ideally suited for flat barns;
-good price : performance ratio.