The screenweb pre-grader is equipped with a circular grading mat with square meshes. The intensity of the grading can be adjusted by means of an adjustable beater. This method of pre-sorting provides a high degree of accuracy, while the crop is not continuously turned as with a roller system. This can be an advantage under certain circumstances. Think of the separation of the undersize in the early potatoes that can hardly tolerate mechanical treatment. When separating an oversize, elongated crops can get stuck in the mesh, which can result in damage despite the use of ejection rollers. The machine is standard equipped with a cross conveyor for the undersize of the graded product.
.Adjustable beater to set the intensity of the grading.
.Cross conveyor for the undersize.
.Ejection rollers that prevent damage to long potatoes.
.Powered rubber coated roller for the transition between the screens.
.Variable speed on the drive.
.Supporting legs.