ERO now offers the ‘best of both worlds’ combined in one defoliator head. The combination of pneumatic air blast and Roller Defoliation technology in one head opens new opportunities for our customers that are beyond the limits of traditional systems on the market.
Every year anew the time frame for defoliation is too short and results in great time pressure. Often it comes down to the fact that the mechanical defoliation cannot be completed in the given time period. This generates higher costs due to additional manual defoliation, or in the worst case, it leads to a loss of quality because the defoliation does not take place or has been done too late.
With the VITIpulse Combi this is now a matter of the past. By bringing together the both world market-leading defoliation systems, the premium defoliation quality and highest speed are now combined in one task.
In addition, with the VITIpulse Combi a more targeted result can be achieved and significantly less damage will occur. It has been found that the previous removal of the external leaves by the EB 490 P results in better penetration of the inner part of the fruit zone by the VITIpulse and hardly any damage is caused to the fruit. This in turn extends the time window, which means that considerably more area can be managed during the season.
How you benefit
Premium defoliation quality is achieved at unparalleled driving speed
-By removing the outer leaves with the proven Roller Defoliator, a lower level of working pressure is required
-A targeted penetration of the inner part of the fruit zone with airblast defoliation
-Bunch cleaning