In farrowing pen and in post-weaning, the piglet is submitted to several stresses (changes of diet mainly), yet
it is still very sensitive. Its digestive balance might be disturbed.
Triactine is a very palatable product, intended for piglets in farrowing pen or in post-weaning.
Its association of clays, live lactic acid bacteria and yeast extracts make stable young piglets digestive balance.
It also contains a nucleus of essential oils Digelor® with antibacterial and antioxidant properties, developed by BIOARMOR Nutrilogic R&D program, especially designed for an optimum digestive action.
Triactine increases the digestive security of piglets and improves their consumption of feed.
Direction of use:
-is distributed to piglets from one week of age or at weaning according to the farming conditions at the rate of:
In Farrowing pen: 5 to 10 g per day and per piglet during 3 to 5 days
Around weaning time or feed transition: 10 to 20 g per day and per piglet during 5 to 10 days.
Essential oils blend :"DIGELOR", Lactic acid bacteria (EU approved), Clays, Yeasts extracts
Powder product in 20 kg bags