Organic, highly concentrated wood vinegar produced during the biochar phase used for soil pH management, and mold/fungus management in greenhouses and associated structures and equipment. It can be used as an additive with REGENiSYS ™ and reZONE ™
Through our slow pyrolysis procoss, roSET™ is produco from sustainable organic woody biomass. reSET™ is 100% raw high quality pyroligno ous acid (wood vinegar) with no additives or preservatives. reSET™ is absorbed through different parts of plants such as shoots, trunks, and leaves, strengthening the plants and brightening leaf pigment as well as increasing résistance to pests and diseases.
Benefits of reSET™
Improves soil quality -
Eliminâtes pests -
Controls plant growth -
Accélérâtes the growth of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit. -
Safe for human and animal health -
Envlronmentally frlendly -
Application and Recommended Dosage
reSET™ contributes to a variety of different aspects ot soil and végétation quality theretore a wide range ot application rates and dosages are
recommended as followed:
Soil stérilisation: Oiluted with clean water at the ratio of 1: 50-100, sprayed to the soil.