Tilling and sowing sets – disc Hercules are designed for simultaneous cultivation soil and seeds. Machines can be used for pre-sowing tillage after pre-sow or pre-winter plowing.
Tilling and sowing sets are equipped with a universal supporting frame, on which a compact 2-row disc harrow and a roller are mounted. The compact disc harrow consists of two beams with toothed discs (flat or C type) with a diameter of 510 mm and 560 mm with a rake angle of 15˚. In addition, the unit is equipped with side screens that limit the rejection of the soil by the extreme discs of the front and rear sections. Working depth operation is determined by adjusting rear roller in the range to 12 cm.
The disc section is equipped with a maintenance-free hub as a standard. In addition, each disc section is protected individually against overload by a rubber.
The machine is also equipped with a hydraulic coupler (two hydraulic cylinders) for a seed drill with II and III suspension category.