We have recently introduced Bouwplast-HP panels (hygienic panels). These are unique in their type because Bouwplast-HP panels have a hygienic round finish at both the top and the bottom. Perfect fitting caps are also available for a maximum hygienic result. Bouwplast HP-panels are produced in 35 mm panel thickness and can be supplied in 500 mm, 750 mm and 1000 mm panel heights so they can be assembled quickly, easily and seamlessly. Naturally, they can also be made to measure for your project size.
The Bouwplast-HP range is available in 3 different panel heights. Usually this makes almost all common pen division heights easy to achieve. Seamless and without waste because you can easily and quickly order the panels you need in the right sizes for your project. Perfect fitting caps are also available to achieve a neat and completely hygienic finish at the ends. The standard panel thickness of HP-panels is 35 mm.
New to the range of plastic panels is a flat model of the Bouwplast-HP panels. This Bouwplast HP-V panel has a flat top and bottom edge so allowing a good seal with the floor to be made and limiting draughts to a minimum. This is important where ventilation is through the feeding channel.
Just as with the 'normal' HP panels the HP-V variant is simple to assemble and can be supplied in any desired project length. The Bouwplast HP-V panel is produced as 500 mm height and is therefore the ideal panel for use in the breeding shed.