Bran finisher
The bran finisher increases flour yields during the milling process by removing flour from bran. It is used for common wheat, durum and rye. It has a throughput of up to 1.8 tons per hour, or 3.6 tons per hour if you use the double machine.
How the bran finisher increases flour yields
The bran finisher uses slanted beater strips, which give the incoming stream of grain an extra axial motion to remove the flour from the bran. The shape of the screen makes it vibrate, which keeps the screen perforations clear. This all helps increase yields. You can use the MKLA as a bran finisher or for pre-extraction at a mill.
Sieve screens
Choose an optional synthetic screen frame for added food safety
The bran finisher comes with standard wooden screen frames. Or you can choose screen frames made out of stainless steel for added hygienization and food safety.