The industrial mills of the type BHOS 500 – 1200 (37 to 90 kW) are extremely robust and particularly powerful hammer mills, which allow to produce very different feed structures while also beeing highly energy efficient. This is achieved through the compact design, the extra large screen area, the low-wear hard metal hammers and the quick change system of the screens.
With a screen area of 0,65m² or 1m² the industrial mills have a particularly generously design per kW. This allows an even feed structure in combination with extremly high throughput rates.
All mills can optionally be equipped with a frequency converter in order to determine the rotor speed depending on the component or recipe and thus produce the desired feed structures.
The robust mill design with rotor bearings on both sides, the large number of reinforced hard metal hammers and Buschhoff’s decades of experience in mill construction make these mill types a real power pack for the various milling requirements.