Seamless stainless-steel drinker of about 600 litres designed to distribute lukewarm water from a milk pre-cooler: highly beneficial warm water, very appreciated by dairy cows.
A pre-cooler provides substantial energy savings when it comes to milk tanks, but requires at least 1.5 litres of water to cool 1 litre of milk. The DAIRYNOX 600 makes it possible to recover this water.
At the pre-cooler’s outlet, the water will have made the milk lose 15 to 25°C and will have been warmed up to around 17°C, an ideal temperature for watering dairy cows – particularly in winter, as it reduces their required thermoregulation efforts and therefore promotes milk production.
• Highly rigid and seamless stainless-steel frame drinking trough with internal anti-waste double-flap rim. Right/left reversible
• 300 x 43 cm wide access allowing five cows to drink simultaneously (or eight cows if access possible from both sides)
• Large Ø100 mm drain with overflow: useful capacity of 572 L. Easy cleaning thanks to the wall-mounted drinking-trough design
• Ø1.25” bulkhead plug for easy connection of a second DAIRYNOX 600
• The optional A631 valve transforms the DAIRYNOX 600 into a classic drinking trough. When the lukewarm water in the milk pre-cooler is used up, the mains water takes over.