Machine equipment is designed for crushing branches, wood and wood waste, using two-way self-feeding cutting screw. The screw is supported by the support bearing, which prevents its offset. The high performance of the machine is provided by the electric engine of 4KW, which is by robust pulley geared to slow, to force. The machine has automatic feeder. The wood chipper takes branches with leaves, needles, branched, dry, wet, and takes also boards and beams.
The machine is without off-road modification and is designed for manual movement on a foamed surface such as paving, garden, dry meadow. When crushed, the branches are inserted into the red hopper and the chips are blown to the ground or to the rash bag that can be attached to the chipper.
The receiving hopper for inserting of branches is equipped with safety brake. When it is pressed, the brake is stucked into the inserted material and the feeder is stopped.
The final chip is suitable for heating in a boiler or fireplace, soil fixing and possibly for other purposes. The chip is asymmetrical and airy, so beautifully swells, does not mould and its calorific value is very high.