The tried-and-tested CanAgro column ventilation system has made a name of itself as an extremely robust, attractively priced, easily usable and flexible ventilation system in practical application.
With the CanAgro column ventilation system, perforated ground cones are installed before the storage of the grain without conversions and expensive adjustments to the grain warehouse and extended to the relevant bulk height using KG tubes. The columns are installed at a distance of 4-5 m. For ventilation, handy 1.45 KW fans are placed on the columns.
With the system, partial areas and smaller warehouses can also be ventilated. You decide for yourself whether the air should be pressed in the grain stock or sucked out of the grain stock?
Our customers appreciate the fact that the visibility of the columns does not result in any subsequent costs from damage when removing from the warehouse as is usually avoidable for laid out tank top channels or for ventilation with drainage tubes.