Technical Specifications:
Engine Horse Power (HP) - 26
No. of Cylinder - 2
Capacity (CC) - 1290
Rated Speed (RPM) - 2500
Cooling System - Liquid Cooled
Bore / Stroke (mm) - 95 / 91
Max. Torque (Nm) @ RPM - 85.3 (Nm) @ 1400-1700 RPM
Front - 6.00 x 12
Rear - 8.30 x 20
Type - Synchromesh
No. of Gear - 8 Forward, 2 Reverse
Max. Speed (km / hr.) - 25
PTO Type - Direct
540 PTO RPM - 2406 ERPM (All Gears)
Steering - Mechanical / Power Assisted
Brake Type - Oil immersed Multi Disc
Differential Lock - Yes
Dimension (+/- 5 %)
Size LxWxH (mm) - 2570 x 1065 x 1740
Weight (kg) - 1005
Wheel Base (mm) - 1550
Track Width (mm) - 850(950 Adjustable)
The Captain Mini Tractor is soo versatile and dependable that tens of thousands of farmers use it for performing numerous agricultural operations with their matching implements.