Our GrainForce models incorporate the Geringhoff CGM-S330 mill and a 5m3 hopper. For greatest flexibility, the hopper is mounted on a trailed running gear. The mill uses knives for optimum conditioning of grain crops. As the milled material is emptied into the film bag it is compressed for ideal conservation and great digestibility.
Your benefit
Higher yields
For best-quality feed, the moisture content should be about 25%. The higher the moisture content of the grain the higher the yields per hectare.
Your benefit
Be less dependent on the wather
The mill also processes material with a higher moisture content, allowing you to harvest your crop at a much earlier date and in less favourable weather and benefit from extended harvest windows.
Your benefit
Optimum feeds
The (re)movable blade units allow operators to adjust the particle size exactly to the needs and digestibility of the animals.
Your benefit
Better feed quality
The feed is stored 100% airtight for optimum and loss-free conservation and superior feed quality.
Your benefit
Individual and flexible
Our GrainForce allows you to store the material in a location and in quantities that best suit your needs.