ROTANET has a working speed of 15 kph, eliminating emerging weed seedlings by casting them up into the air.
The small spoon-bill hoe preserves crops in place, breaks up the crust and aerates the ground down through the first centimetres.
The star wheel penetrates the ground vertically to break up the surface crust.
Thanks to its limited power needs and high working speed it can quickly work through a job.
With under chassis clearance of 650 mm, ROTANET allows working on bare earth or once the crops are growing, up to 35 cm high for corn and 20 cm for rape and soybean.
•Three-point hitch between No. 2 couplings – Pin Nos. 2/3
•A single piece 140×8 mm square beam welded chassis
•Secondary square section 120×5 mm beam attached with a removable bracket
•Folding articulation with thick polyamide ring.
•Hydraulically folds to 2.90 metres with dual hydraulic and mechanical safety mechanisms
•Pair of wheels with 10-ply 535×168 mm tyres with track of 1.80 metres
•Anti-spray grille
•Two parking stands
•Road light and signals included