The CALITWIST C63 is an electronic grading machine fitted out with receptables especially conceived for small vulnerable fruits.
Its "singulator" positions fruits smoothy on the grading machine with only one fruit per carrier.
Capacity of 2 tons per hour (depending on the fruit's medium weight).
Exclusive filling rate : up to 92%
Extremely silent grading machine.
Available option :
- CaliTWIST C63 Option Flap (utmost gentle handling of the fruit on its reception)
Machine Type : Electronic grading machine
List of fruits : Apricot,Clementine,Plum
List of vegetables:
Capacity : Up to 12 fruits/second/lane (from 1 to 8 lanes)
Peripherals: Automatic continuous box tipper, small fruit eliminator, sorting table, brushing, rotating table...