This electronic grading machine, equipped with carriers and rollers, enables the fruits to turn themselves, so it is easier to get information on weight, colour, diameter, density and quality.
Extremely silent grading machine.
Fruit-friendly handling of the product.
High performance thanks to a singulator with return belt (exclusively at Caustier by STC).
Machine Type : Electronic grading machine
List of fruits : Apricot,Clementine,Kiwi,Mandarin,Orange,Peach,Flat peach,Pear,Pink Grapefruit,Apple,Plum
List of vegetables: Avocado,Onion,Tomato
Capacity : Up to 12 fruits/second/lane (from 1 to 8 lanes)
Peripherals: Automatic continuous box tipper, small fruit eliminator, sorting table, brushing, rotating table...