Stable permanent groups
Cawi has developed the ideal form of housing for stable or permanent groups in the VIP box. The box in the gestation area is equipped with an operable trough gate that also controls the two-part rear gate. Due to this locking, a second sow can never enter the box. Every sow has its own lying and feeding place. The animals therefore determine their own movement behavior. Feeding takes place at frequent times and this means overview, control and rest. A group sows or individuals can be locked up during the feeding for control, treatment or movement. As an alternative to the VIP, Cawi has developed the SIM box; simpler in design, of course with central and individual locking, but without trough flap.
Group housing for free-roaming sows, in small groups with short feedings. (80cm) and a rationed feeding. Feeding place width 50cm. It is recommended to divide the “farrowing group” into 3-4 smaller groups, in which all animals are given the same ration. Place per animal about 2.5m2. Several times a day, simultaneous feeding and the slow dosing out of small portions of food creates more peace in the group. Bio-Rhythmic feeding by means of Technofeed group feeding is a must.