Rendering Animal By-Products into valuable ingredients for the animal feed industry.
- Flexible Size – From 10 up to 100 tons per day.
- Small Footprint – Installed at the slaughterhouses’ production line, to save on storage and transportation.
- Local and immediate treatment of all waste generated at the slaughterhouse – poultry, fish, porcine, red meat, blood, bones, feathers rendering, etc.
- Lower energy consumption - shorter cycle time and the usage of a pressure vessel
- High Quality End-product – Generating better quality meal and oil as a result of the immediate and short processing time of "fresh" material
- No transportation
- No Odor – Save on expensive treatment.
- Save on Energy Costs on the animal by-product rendering process – up to 70%.
The ISS AGRI Facility has been developed to recycle animal by-products (ABPs) of the agricultural and food industries. The system is designed to treat animal by-products, losses and animal carcasses, including poultry, fish, cow, porcine, sheep, blood, feather, bones which constitute a source of hazardous waste.
The ISS AGRI Facility is a unique, continuous and automated process system, meat (ABPs) rendering system including sterilization and shredding in the Integrated Sterilizer and Shredder (ISS),separating solids, oil and water and drying, giving the opportunity to use the end result as dry nutrition within the animal food industry.
This unique rendering system contains three main units of equipment, the Integrated Sterilizer and Shredder (ISS),Decanter and Dryer, and some other sub-systems for the complete animal by-product rendering process.