Modular Manure Belt (MMB™) Cages
Chore-Time's Modular Manure Belt Cage System offers egg producers the outstanding production performance they expect from Chore-Time, plus greater shipping simplicity, easier assembly and repair, and improved egg roll-out -- all in an economical cage system that meets current bird space standards. Pullet systems are also available.
Sturdy Construction
Chore-Time cages are quality-built in North America. Solid construction and heavy-duty materials combine with our innovative design for years of superior performance.
Composite Mesh Floor
A composite mesh floor helps lower mortality by using a tighter mesh spacing where birds stand, coupled with a more open spacing in other sections of the floor.
Cage Door Latch
Chore-Time's metal door latch offers true one-handed operation. Its positive lock means chickens do not get out.