The air treatment units mod. U.T.C.A. Are built and projected using the last generation technologies and resources.
Of the modular type, they can satisfy any request you may have. This thank to the help of calculation software for the projecting and dimensioning always up-dated, and to the technical support composed of prepared and experienced people.
They are able to carry out a complete air treatment with: mixing, filtration, heating, cooling, heat-recovery, humidifying and ventilation, etc...
The variety of our air treatment mod. U.T.C.A. covers totally the exigences of installation, going through inside solutions, outside solutions and those foreseen for places like hospitals, food processing rooms, or with the presence of solvents, corrosive agents, explosives air, and low temperature rooms.
The quality of the product comes from a careful projecting using CAD and CAD-CAM software and the last programs for the Thermodynamic calculation, from the choice of high performing components and a quality control which follows step by step every working phase, from yhe respect of the requests of the CEE norms.
On demand, the machine is equipped with a switchboard and control device.