This mechanical planting machine is light, compact and versatile.
It is ideal for multi-vegetable producers who plant in limited quantities
Planting is carried out in separated blocks, with supply via a peg belt.
For this reason, its performance is lower than the other models (approximately 5000 blocks/hour with 2 operators), but speed depends largely on the capacity of the operators to position the blocks.
With this machine, the quality of the blocks is less important in quality or regularity. It can plant blocks with large leaves as well as parsley, cabbage, chard, onion or celery provided they come in 3.5 to 4.5 cm wide cubes.
Planting height is adjusted via rear press wheels, and row spacing is adjusted by changing gears.
This machine comes in versions for 3, 4 or 5 rows. Row spacing is set according to the customer's requirements.