Towing beam with articulated terminal. Dimensions of Central Monoframe: 200x200x10 (standard serie), 250x250x10 (strong serie), 250x250x12,5 (top serie). Wheels axel 60x60 mm (standar serie). Wheels axel 70x70 mm ( heavy serie). Wheels axel 80x80 mm (top serie). Disc axle 40x40 mm. Discs 610x6 - 660x6. Distance 240 mm. Support with angular contact ball bearing, double row, 4 rubber seals. Tempered scrapers. Adjustable, individually replaceable. Mechanical adjustment. Mechanical discs. Subsoiler with bolt protection. Hydraulic depth adjustment of the subsoiler. Remote anchor variabl. Hydraulic double effect chariot control.