With more than 10 years’ experience in the field of mechanical weed control, CMN maskintec A/S is the company with the most comprehensive expertise in this area.
CMN maskintec A/S weeder harrows are known under the name CMN flex-weeder and are available in sizes from 1-24 metres.
The main rule within mechanical weed control is to controling seed weed by covering it. Therefore, it is important to till the soil as thoroughly as possible, without damaging the cultivated crop.
This is where the CMN flex-weeder differs from other weeder harrows in the market.
Pressure Compensation Test
Evaluation of each individual system
The below table shows an evaluation by The National Department of Farm Buildings and Machinery, concerning the ability of various pressure compensation systems to adjust to uneven surfaces in the field.
CMN Marsk-StigEinböck
Reaktionstid 5 3 3
Reaktionsevne 4 4 4
Evne til at følge bakket terræn 5 3 3
(1: Not satisfacorily, 5: Very satisfactorily)
The CMN flex-weeder is equipped with 1 m sections that are centre mounted round its own central axis. In this way, the harrow sections will not jump at high speeds or in heterogeneous soil classes. The only 1 m wide sections ensure that the harrow adjusts to unevenness in the field across the direction of travel.
The CMN flex-weeder is equipped with purpose-built straight double-coiled tension spring tines continuously adjustable from 90° vertically to 45° backwards.