To keep a well-maintained and clean udder, it is important to keep the udder hair short. It helps to minimize the risk of mastitis contamination from environmental factors such as bacteria in mud or manure. Short-haired udders are less likely to have manure or mud sticking to them, minimizing the chance of bacteria entering the udder.
Milk Quality Start with the Udder Singe Advantage
Milk Quality
Good hygiene leads to better milk quality. Better milk quality results in a higher milk price. Prevention is always a better investment, so why risk poor milk quality with udder infection and high cell count?
Environment friendly
With the removal of the long hairs with the Udder Singe , there is less chance of the udder getting dirty with manure and mud. Less water and sanitation resources need to be used, so the weaning dip is also more effective. With less water drainage Your company will be more environmentally friendly with the Udder Singe .
Fast • Easy• Safe • Effective
Udder Singe uses a low temperature flame to burn the hair away from the udder, helping to reduce udder inflammation and cell count.
Udder Singe is made to remove hair quickly and painlessly, using a 20-25 cool flame without having to shave the udder. The Udder Singe should be held about 10 to 20 cm below the udder and held with a swift movement from front to back.