The ZooMax Gold Veterinary Radiographic System is one of the most advanced and user-friendly integrated x-ray systems available to the veterinary market today. It incorporates a fixed height tubestand with a tube at 100 cm distance from the tabletop combined with a four-way radiographic table.
Fixed SID Integrated Veterinary System
The ZooMax Gold Veterinary Radiographic System is another option for veterinarians to choose from based on the types of examinations typically performed. Featuring a fixed tubestand with fixed SID and a four-way float top table, this system is perfect for Veterinarians who perform primarily straight projection exposures. All controls are located in the work area, which provides the convenient ability to position the patient, adjust parameters and take exposures at one location. Sophisticated, self-diagnostic capability and descriptive error messages allow for quick troubleshooting. The manual collimator with light beam and optional laser guided positioning system helps to place the patient quickly in the most accurate position for the x-ray exposure. The powerful rotating anode x-ray tube with dual focal spots and over-heat interlock provide for many years of trouble free operation.
ZooMax HF Veterinary Rad Generators
The powerful ZooMax HF generators are easy to use with basic knowledge of radiology thanks to preprogrammed APR. Just select one of the 12 APR settings, adjust the thickness and then the generator automatically corrects the exposure parameters. The generator can be installed in the table in order to save space.