In Cotexa we have a wide range for the cultivation of berries, with the aim of offering different solutions:
- ANTI GRASS MESH: in black - white or white/black color, they are solutions for different problems such as botrytis, water control, reduction of water consumption, reduction of weed chemicals as well as labor.
- SUNSHADE SCREENS: we offer different type for solution in all crops to protect fruit and plant, as well as control of fruit earliness thus achieving better fruit quality, harvest and profit.
- PEST PROTECTION: we offer different solutions to each type of problem in each crop, adapted to each situation.
The production of berries usually takes place in greenhouses as this element maximizes the profitability of the product. Berries need relatively cool temperatures for their growth and greenhouses can help this growth together with an optimal placement of the product and the use of agrotextiles. Our experience, the result of years of working with growers in the area, means that we have a great deal of knowledge about which fabrics you can use for your plantation and get the maximum yield from your product.