20% Chick Starter should be fed as the sole ration to broiler chicks up to 3 weeks of age or to replacement pullets up until 6 weeks of age. Oyster shell or insoluble grit could be sprinkled on the feed once a week at a rate of 0.5 to 1.0 kg per 100 birds. Allow chicks access to fresh water at all times.
Features and Benefits
Non-medicated Feed
This feed is non-medicated because most chicks come vaccinated for coccidiosis from the hatchery. We do not recommend feeding a medicated feed to vaccinated chicks as this limits the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Dual Purpose Starter
Can be used to start laying pullets as well as meat birds.
Nutritionally Balanced
Formulated to provide protein, energy, vitamins and minerals in an optimal balance for your chicks good start in life.
Crumbled Feed
Easy to handle, less waste, and the birds get balanced nutrition in every peck.
No Animal Byproducts
Our Chick Starter is formulated with whole grains and vegetable proteins without the use of animal byproducts.
Locally Grown Grains
The grains and grain products used in this feed are from our Canadian Prairie region.