16% Lamb Grower should be fed to weaned lambs that have received 18% Lamb Starter for at least 3 weeks and have fully acclimated to dry pelleted feed. 16% Lamb Grower should be fed at 1.0 - 1.5% of body weight when switching from the Starter, after acclimation, increase the amount of 16% Lamb Grower to a maximum of 2.25% of body weight, fed in at least two equal feedings per day. The 16% Lamb Grower can be fed until the lambs are 30 - 35 kg in body weight for slaughter lambs before switching to the 14% Lamb Finisher. Lambs should always have access to good quality hay and be consistently consuming 1% of body weight as hay. Allow lambs free choice access to Sheep Pasture Mineral, salt and clean water at all times.