- High Advanced Alarm system for farms, greenhouses, etc.
- Very easy to install and operate. It is not necessary to fix the mobile or telephone link. Only
by introducing a mobile card the user will be able to operate the alarm.
- Connect/Disconnect the alarm via mobile. It has up to 9 alarms where 6 of them are digital.
- Real time information by phone call reporting the current temperature and the minimum and maximum temperature of the day.
- It has battery to operate in case of electric failure.
- The alarms can be sent via SMS or voicemail. The voicemails can be recorded.
- Alarm relays can be connected or disconnected via mobile.
- Up to 5 telephone numbers can be programmed to receive the alarms.
- It can be programmed alarms for minimum temperature (heating failure) or maximum
temperature (cooling failure, fire, etc).
- Built-in communications: CTINET total control system of the farm through:
· Central computer in the farm (radio/wire)
· External computer or smartphone (internet)