The Dairypower Smart Slurry Aeration System is established as being the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly method of keeping slurry in a homogeneous pumpable state in the dairy, beef and pig industries.
The system introduced to the Irish market in 1998 is now a market leader with over 4,000 systems in operation throughout the world. Each system is custom-designed to the specific size and shape of your storage facility. Regardless of the slurry density, the Smart Slurry Aeration System is configured to ensure you get optimum performance, leading to complete consistency of the slurry and the even distribution of nutrients.
The system works on a low-pressure, high-volume basis, with our robust, energy-efficient pump and drive unit supplying air via the Dairypower patented rotary valves to outlet branches fixed to the base of the storage facility. Each outlet branch sequentially releases the air for a set period, with the rising air bubbles mixing and aerating the slurry to create a vastly beneficial aerobic environment with no need for further agitation.
Thanks to our high-quality slurry technology, with our system you do not need tractor agitation, ensuring that the livestock isn’t disturbed and that labour hours are reduced. Reduce fertiliser costs and ensure complete consistency in your slurry.