Our Delmer EVA Cow Comfort mattress comes in 25mm and 35mm thicknesses and measures 1.82 x 1.22m (6ft x 4ft).
Our mattresses are available as single mats or at unbeatable great discount prices available for large quantities.
Made from high-quality, dense and durable expanded EVA foam, our cow pads provide the ultimate in cow protection.
Thanks to the application of premium materials, they provide the perfect insulation and reduce bed costs.
Excellent insulation on the cold concrete and good heat dissipation in hot weather. EVA mats mimic the natural ground and increase resting comfort for cows, thereby increasing their performance.
The cobblestone finish helps prevent animals from slipping, reducing the risk of injury.
Durable, impact resistant, lightweight for easy handling, and has excellent low temperature and sound insulation qualities.
If you install the mat yourself, we can supply fixings and washers, and can also supply aluminum strips to separate the compartments.
Nationwide installation service available.