In Dairy farming, each farmer must have knowledge that environment and surrounding(Flexibility) provided to Cows have direct effect on their productivity(Milking).
It makes mandetory to provide higher level comfort to Cows which will create signifIcant profitability for farmer.
Delmer Group ensures best Quality plastic flexible cubicles- DELFLEX CUBICLES that will help you in providing best resulted comfort to cows and buffaloes.
These cubicles have sufficient space for cow standing and bedding without any injuries.
Key Features Of Delflex Cubicles :
-Enough space for unhindered movements.
-Cows can extend their body while reclining.
-Cows have sufficient space for movements against the partition.
-Dimension : 2000mm Length x 1250mm Width
-Steel Post Height : 1300mm
-Pipe Material : Highly Flexible & Elastic plastic material
-Thickness : 12.5mm
-Operational Temperature : -10 to 50 °c