• Measures global and diffuse radiation
• Sunshine duration
• No moving parts, no shade rings
• PAR reference sensor for SunScan System
• Outputs can be PAR (mmol.m-2.s-1), Energy (W.m-2) or Lux
The BF5 Sunshine Sensor is a versatile, multi-purpose solar radiation sensor. It uses an array of photodiodes with a unique computer-generated shading pattern to measure incident solar radiation. A microprocessor calculates the global and diffuse components of the radiation and determines the sunshine state.
Two analogue voltage outputs give global and diffuse radiation, from which direct and diffuse radiation are derived. The sunshine state is indicated by a digital output. The three outputs can be connected to appropriate channels on the GP1 or GP2 data loggers, or other loggers commonly used for environmental monitoring. An internal heater keeps the BF5 Sunshine Sensor clear of dew, ice and snow down to -20 °C.
Sunshine Duration
The BF5 Sunshine Sensor measures sunshine hours indirectly using a simple equation based on the total PAR radiation (Photosynthetically Active Radiation), and the ratio of total to direct PAR. This sunshine algorithm corresponds closely to the World Met Office threshold of 120 W/m-2 in the solar beam for sunshine duration. The BF5 Sunshine Sensor does not need to be adjusted or repositioned to track the sun – a distinct advantage over devices with shadow rings. There are no complex electro-mechanical assemblies and no burnt paper tracks to interpret.