TMR Tracker® is a Windows® based Feed Management System allowing producers to easily monitor the day-to-day feeding process. TMR Tracker helps manage feed inventory and provides the option to share feeding data with the farm's management team.
TMR Tracker System Requirements:
•Processor 1 GHz or faster, Windows 8.1 or higher
•4 GB free disk space, 4 GB Ram, USB port, Mouse, Printer, Adobe Acrobat
•Broadband Internet Connection
•"Help Desk" is included with first year's purchase, providing 24/7 software & hardware support.
Using TMR Tracker with the Moisture Tracker™ means the ration created will be the ration loaded and fed. There are three levels of the software program tailored to fit beef and dairy operations. The latest features include weigh-back at scale, so feed managers will know what was fed and what was actually consumed.