For the manufacture of nails, bindings, fences, wicker nets.
0,25 — 13,00 mm
Steel grade
St1, St2, St3 of all degrees of deoxidization are according to DSTU 2770-94;
1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1020, 1021, 1022 are according to SOU MPP 77.140-236;
С4D, С7D, С9D, С10D, С12D, С15D, С18D, C20D are according to DSTU EN 10016
At the customer’s request it is possible to produce wire with more strict requirements regarding the geometry and tensile strength.
The production of the wire with two-sided ultimate deviation is possible.
The Wire of diameters from 2,0 up to 6,0 mm can be supplied in cut and length from 0,2 up to 6,0 meter.
The Wire to be tied in bundles of various weights those to form into a transport package up to 1000 kg.
Production of heat-treated wire is possible in coils of rectangular section – “Brehmen rings”
with the following technical requirements:
- diameters from 2,00 up to 5,00 mm; wire oiled/not oiled;
- tensile strength 300-400 N/mm2;
- the production of oiled wire is possible.