COGNAC is the first variety in the UK to carry the new Phoma Blocker trait. Phoma blocker combines two complex Phoma resistance genes. LepR1 and RLM7, where previously the phoma resistance mechanism worked with one lock and one key, now to break the chain, the disease has to break through two locks with one key. Like all DSV’s current varieties COGNAC has TuYV protection, good tolerance to Verticilliuum stem stripe and an excellent score to LLS. Stem health is becoming an increasingly important characteristic with some varieties struggling more than others, we see COGNAC leaving healthy green stems post-harvest.
COGNAC coupled with a robust disease protection package and also boasts a very high yield and oil content. It has one of the highest scores for yield on the new candidate list. It is a candidate for both East and West and regions which demonstrates its ability to yield across a wide range of site and locations.
COGNAC’s powerful spring vigour is the key attribute that pulls this variety apart from the rest. In Agrii trials COGNAC was one of the best-performing varieties for spring growth. It is similar to our widely grown variety Duplo in growth habit and is widely adaptable to all regions. COGNAC gives growers confidence that its plants will offer that extra boost of growth in the autumn offering an additional defence to flea beetles.
COGNAC also has strong, robust pods with added pod shatter protection, giving growers confidence in catchy harvests, which we have seen over the last few years.