New from DSV UK - CROMPUTER CR, is helping to bridge the gap between clubroot-protected varieties and ‘normal’ varieties, in many cases it is out-yielding them! It is a high vigour variety that is fast to establish producing tall plants with a compact canopy. It offers a significant yield increase over existing clubroot varieties as well as TuYV protection and improved stem canker resistance. It is later flowering than its competitors offering growers the ability to split the work load with spring sprays it also offers lower risk to frost damage.
CROMPUTER CR is a new Recommended variety for use on clubroot-infected land. It is a strong yielding variety on the AHDB Recommended List (Gross Output – 98% and Seed Yield – 98%) which also scores well for oil content (45.4%). It has a strong score for Light Leaf Spot (6) and Stem Canker (5).
At DSV we always aim to deliver yield with traits rather than traits at the expense of yield. Clubroot has become more apparent on farm during the last five years, with closer rotations, meaning it is often costly and hard to control.
Alongside clubroot protected varieties it is also important to consider other factors such as the PH of the soil should PH 7 or above, and calcium can be added, lengthening rotations, and consideration can be given to the eradication of brassica weeds, such as runch and charlock which can amplify the problem.