PT312 provides a very high gross output yield with a very high oil content combined with turnip yellows virus resistance and Sclerotinia tolerance.
Key features of PT312:
• Gross Output of 109% in NIAB Trials
• Very high oil content of 47.6% in National List Trials
• Turnip Yellows Virus (TuYV) resistance
• Sclerotinia tolerance
• Stem Canker 7, Light Leaf Spot 5
• Large stature hybrid that has scored 9 for lodging and 8 for stem stiffness
• Pod shatter tolerant
Top level gross output and Agronomics
PT312 has given a very high gross output yield of 109% in NIAB trials.
This top-level yield performance comes with a unique agronomic package including turnip yellows virus resistance and sclerotinia tolerance.
PT312 scores 7 for stem canker resistance and 5 for light leaf spot.
High Oil
PT312 gave the highest oil content of any variety in 2020- 22 UK National List Trials. This level of oil content is likely to generate significant oil bonus payments. An illustration of the type of oil bonus payments that may be achieved can be seen in the table below: