The DC series dendrometers are used for high-precision and continuous measurement of changes in stem circumference. These devices are suitable for long-term use in outdoor conditions. Due to their extremely low power consumption, Ecomatik dendrometers are ideal for battery-powered solutions, e.g., in IoT applications.
Changes in stem circumference are recorded by a metal cable that wraps around the stem. This cable is comprised of a special alloy with the lowest possible coefficient of thermal expansion. In comparison to a steel band, the temperature-dependent error is approx. 10 times lower and thus makes a complicated and error-prone correction calculation unnecessary. Friction and pressure between the cable and the stem surface are minimized by special slide rings.
The simplest model in the DC series, the DC1, is attached to the measuring object by the tension of the spring-loaded cable. The tension force is imparted tangentially, and the circumferential signal is recorded directly via the metal cable.
DC3 and DC4 are improved versions of the DC series. The tension force exerted by the sensor spring is transmitted to the measuring wire in radial, and not tangential (cf. DC1), direction. This patented, special design of the DC3 and DC4 dendrometers significantly improves the comparability of the measurement data from objects of different diameters. Additionally, this design ensures a consistently stable installation on objects with both small and very large diameters (more information: difference between the various circumferential dendrometers).
.Maximum stability against wind, snow, falling branches and fruits
.Easy and injury-free installation